Rey Cup: International Football & Fun
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ReyCup 2024, see you at ReyCup 2025 🥳
Vá þvílík sprengja sem ReyCup 2024 var. Með 146 lið í Laugardalnum, 2300 keppendur og…
Fordómar eru ekki liðnir á ReyCup – Football and Fun
Í gær, laugardag, kom upp atvik þar sem leikmaður varð fyrir fordómum. Ekki hefur tekist…
Breytt dagskrá 28.07 / Change in the schedule 28.07
BREYTING Á DAGSKRÁ MORGUNDAGSINS: Þar sem spilað verður frameftir degi á morgun (sunnudeginum, 28.07.), er…
Komutími liða og reglur á Dansleik Hilton – 26.07.2024
Dansleikur Reglur 2024.docxDownload
Finalized game schedule is now live!
Finalized game schedule is out now so this is the schedule for Thursday and Friday…
Símaskrá ReyCup 2024 / Phonebook 2024
Símaskrá 2024 .docxDownload
Don’t take just our word for it!
We had a fantastic time during the Rey Cup. The facilities were excellent and playing against Icelandic teams plus the „bonus” of Norwich and Stoke was a great experience. The great atmosphere and social events made this the perfect tournament for the boys from Clausenengen FK. I hope we are able to come back next year.
I found Rey Cup a really fun and well-organized tournament. Incredibly good memories were created with my best friends in a great conditions in Laugardalur. There was plenty of football and I really enjoyed being able to compare ourselves, as a team, with our peers from other teams. There was also plenty to do between games which is very important for energetic kids like me. It does not hurt that the final game is played at the National Stadium.
We found the Rey Cup a great experience for our players. The tournament was well organised and very efficient with friendly and helpful staff. The standard of the facilities where good and playing the final at the National Stadium gave the players an experience they will never forget. Highly recommended!